Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 2 Reflection

I think that these tools are very useful in a classroom. For students, it is fun for them to go onto the classroom websites and seeing things that thy have done in class, pictures, and see who is the student of the week. It is also helpful to help them get to know technology better. When they live in a world that revolves around technologies the students will need to know how to access a website and know what a good website looks like. It is also important for the students to know how to move around on a website and use the internet for useful information. I think students will enjoy going on the website to review what homework they have due the next day. I think that a classroom website is important for parents so they can see what their children are doing at school and they will know what homework is due and when so if their student forgets to tell them they will still be able to help the child remember to do their homework. They will also be able to see when big projects are due on the calendar so they will be able to help the students with the projects and not wait until the last night to do them. From other teachers' websites I can look and see what they are doing in their classrooms and take some ideas from them that I think will work well in my classroom and vice versa. It also helps in meetings when we can actually see what goes on when we talk about the classrooms and when to help them with things they need. I have seen a few classroom websites and blogs that I can tell the students really like to go and visit. They have pictures of things they do and students of the week. It is also good for the parents and I think that it can solve a lot of problems when all the classroom information is put up on the website, like different books the students are reading and what they are learning about in school for that unit.You can also put on the website the different units you will be covering so they students will at least know what you are studying and you can list websites that would be helpful if they go and visit before or during each unit. There a lot of good things that can come from using a website but there are a few draw backs. There is the privacy issue to putting up pictures of students so you will have to make the website private so no stranger looks at the website. There can also be too much information on the page for the public eye to see. The first guy singing is a lot of fun. It would be fun to show the students this video and then have them make up their own song to a math concept as groups. I could also teach the song to help them remember how fractions work and it would be fun for them. The second video that goes through the different terms used on the internet so people can be updated to what's going on if they are unfamiliar with the internet. It isn't very interesting if you know most of the terms already.

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