Sunday, February 15, 2009

Week 5 Blog

Digital stories would be really fun for students I think. It does take a lot of work but when you set aside time in class for your students to work on it and take it one step at a time. I think students would enjoy making a movie about something they are leaning in school or about a story in their life. It would help them create in a different way than the regular paper and pencil. It helps them use digital pictures and their own vice to create a story. I think that having students make digital stories and share them with other classes is great becuase it has other students and teachers see what students can do with technology. I think sharing your own digital stories with other teachers is very helpful because you can use the video without taking all of the time to make your own stories. You can base a story from one of the classroom objectives and have the students watch it and pair it with an activity.

DID YOU KNOW 2.0 VIDEO: This video was very interesting for me to watch to see where this world is going in the aspects of technology. It was crazy how many text messages are sent per day and how impersonal our communications have gotten. It is also cool to see how much information is on the internet and how often people turn to the internet to find information. It would be so easy to deceive people on the internet and you have to be very careful when searching the internet for information. This video also presents the need for students in the classroom to start learning how to use a computer and the internet at a young age so they can be involved with the technological change going on in the world.
A VISION OF STUDENT TODAY VIDEO: This video is so true about college life. As students we are expected to perform a variety of different tasks each day for everyone of our classes so we can better the world when we graduate. I think students today are learning various ways to get around doing these tasks quickly so they can finish all of them. Teachers may think that assigning all of these tasks are helping these students make the world better but in reality it is hurting because they have so many other expectations they cannot put enough effort and time into what they should. As a teacher I think I need to remember this concept and how it can help of hurt the students I teach and if the homework I assign is really helping them learn what I would like them to learn.

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