Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week Without Class Reflection

This week I spent quite a bit of time working on my Digital Story. Our pod was trying to figure out how to combine both our music and our narration. We couldn't figure out how to do it on Window's Movie Maker, so we decided to combine it on Garage Band on an apple. I think that this experience really helped me learn a lot of different media. I am now sure what type of systems I will be working on at the school I teach at and I will have to know how to use a variety of programs. This experience for me was a lot of work but it really benefitted me in the way that I can learn how to use a variety of programs. I also think that making a Digital Story won't just help me have a fun video to show my students. It helps me learn how to work with technology better in my classroom and I will be able to help my colleagues with the different programs that they don't know how to work. After helping them with the different programs, they will be better able to help their students in the classroom with technology and be able to use technology more in their classroom because it won't be as intimidating when they know how to use it.

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